Classifying Bigfoot Encounters
In this post I analyze a TidyTuesday data set about Bigfoot Encounters. After exploring the data I test several different text model to categorize the quality of Bigfoot enounters based on their free text description.
posts about data analysis, machine learning, data viz and more
In this post I analyze a TidyTuesday data set about Bigfoot Encounters. After exploring the data I test several different text model to categorize the quality of Bigfoot enounters based on their free text description.
This post analyzes a TidyTuesday data set about Pell Grants. After exploring the data I dig into changes in amounts post-2009 and create some visualizations.
This post is the first in a series on analyzing Wimbledon tournament data.
This post looks at a TidyTuesday data set about dog breeds. After looking at the data I try developing my first topic model
This post looks at a past TidyTuesday data set about board game ratings. After looking at the data I attempt to predict avereage board game