
By Brendan Graham

November 26, 2019

The RideTracker app was the first reactive data viz app I developed. It provides a way for me to track my training and commuting, in both a weekly snapshot view as well as over time, in ways that the Strava user profile page doesn’t provide.

At the time, I’d been seeing so many cool examples of Shiny apps and really wanted to make my own. I decided to make one using my cycling data because I had just started to take training seriously and began racing competitively. I was looking for a way to analyze my training volume on a weekly basis and comparatively over time. The app is built on the flexdashboard framework with a Shiny reactive engine allowing me to dynamically filter the charts based on the sidebar inputs. I was able to retrieve my data using the rStrava package, and created all the charts using the highcharter package.

View the project on GitHub.

Posted on:
November 26, 2019
1 minute read, 156 words
Project Cycling Analytics Data Viz
See Also:
Everyone Everywhere Music Analysis Tool