Set up your social

Social icons may appear on several pages throughout your site. Learn how to set them up, and control where they show up.

By Alison Hill & Eric Anderson in Theme Features

January 28, 2021

There are five places where you can choose to show social icons. Here is the tl;dr:

  • site header (set in config.toml),
  • site footer (set in config.toml),
  • homepage (set in content/,
  • about page in the sidebar (set in content/about/sidebar/, and
  • contact page (set in content/form/

Read on to learn how to set up your social icons, and how to show/hide them.

Configure social

Wherever you end up wanting to show your social icons, you’ll need to start by setting up the links in your site config.toml file. Open that up and scroll down to the [[]] section. The start of it looks like this:

  <!--snip snip-->
  # Social icons may appear on your site header, footer, and other pages
  # Add as many icons as you like below
  # Icon pack "fab" includes brand icons, see:
  # Icon pack "fas" includes solid icons, see:
  # Icon pack "far" includes regular icons, see:
      icon      = "github" # icon name without the 'fa-'
      icon_pack = "fab"
      url       = ""
  [[]] <!--lather, rinse, repeat-->

For each link, you’ll need to start a new portion that begins with [[]]. Then, pick your icon and icon_pack from the Font Awesome free icon library:

Finally, add the url that you would like users to go to when they click on that icon. All external links (i.e., those that start with http) will open in a new tab (that is, target="_blank"); relative links to pages within the site will open in the same window.

Now you should be all set to show/hide your social icons. Each of these will pull the social icons and urls from the settings you just created in your site configuration file.

Let’s start with the header and footer, as those are site-wide. Open up your site config.toml file again and scroll down to the [params] section (it is actually 🆙 from where you configured these icons):

  <!--snip snip-->
  # show/hide social icons in site header & footer
  # configure social icons and links below in [[]]
  socialInHeader = false
  socialInFooter = true

That was easy!

Show social in homepage

Open up content/ That file’s YAML controls what you see on the homepage. Set show_social_links like so:

show_social_links: true # specify social accounts in site config

If you set this to true to show the icons on the homepage, your social icons in the footer will not show up even when you set socialInFooter = true, so as not to litter your site with too many icons.

Show social in about page sidebar

Open up content/about/sidebar/ That file’s YAML controls what you see in the sidebar on the about page. Set show_social_links like so:

show_social_links: true # specify social accounts in site config

Show social in contact page

You may use the YAML for your contact page (located in content/form/

show_social_links: true # specify social accounts in site config
Posted on:
January 28, 2021
3 minute read, 499 words
Theme Features
See Also:
A Spoonful of Hugo
An evergreen post
A third post